Laeta Vita

Leata Vita (Joyful Life) is a group for single women ages 18-35. The purpose of our group is to meet and grow in fellowship with other women who are in a similar season of life. We meet two times a month. The first meeting of the month consists of discussing a book as part of […]

Legion of Mary Meeting

The legion exists to be a sign of Mary’s maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelizing work. It is at the disposal of the parish priest for any form of service deemed useful for the welfare of the Church.

Tuesday Morning Book Club

The Tuesday morning book club meets to read and discuss a selected book that assists with spiritual growth and knowledge of our wonderful Catholic faith. All members of the parish are welcome to drop by and check us out.

Safety Team Meeting

The purpose of the OLMC Safety Team is to provide a safe and secure environment for all parishioners and visitors. Primarily, this is accomplished by the observation of people, places and events and your assessment of situations and then to follow through with appropriate action.

Legion of Mary Meeting

The legion exists to be a sign of Mary’s maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelizing work. It is at the disposal of the parish priest for any form of service deemed useful for the welfare of the Church.

Rorate Mass


The 'Rorate' Mass is the Saturday Mass of the BVM in Advent, sung before dawn by candlelight recalling the darkness which shrouded the earth before the Incarnation, well worth making the effort to attend.

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Do you see other woman as a threat? Is social isolation a recurring theme in your life? All women of the parish who are married, widowed, single, and teens are invited to a Freedom From Comparison workshop Saturday, December 7 at 9:30am in the St. Albert room. Bring a friend (or foe) and a brunch […]